Calibration and initial verification by the manufacturer
Make use of our know-how
Do you need help preparing for the calibration and someone to accompany it according to the respective national calibration regulations? No problem!
Feige checks and optimizes the weigh scale and its settings for verification by the calibration authority and accompanies the test. This is why our manufacturer's verification guarantees a precisely defined measuring accuracy within the scope of the permissible calibration tolerance according to legal specifications (OIML R61 or 2014/32/EU). This is to ensure you weigh in compliance with the directives and do not waste any of your precious product!
Even for retrofits or new systems
We perform the conformity assessment of the weigh scale, formerly known as initial verification, directly following the commissioning of your new system. You do not lose precious time between setup and initial verification and can immediately start filling for immediate turnover.
In specific cases, the weighing technology of your existing systems must undergo an initial verification. This is the case if you upgrade the weigh scale to the current version or return a used machine to the EU. You can also count on us then!
Is your weigh scale's statutory periodic calibration coming up? In preparation for this, we will service your system, make it fit for the calibration, and, if you wish, even accompany you through the entire calibration process to spare you any nasty surprises.